Mentoring with The Hipster Girl


Putting the HIP back in Hip Replacements.

Contact me with any questions you have about the hip replacement process.  I’ve become sort of an expert with two different approaches (Anterior and Posterior) and two different implant materials.  With my Journalism background and my inquisitive mind, I should belong to a 12 step group for obsessing about having a hip replacement.  I researched so like crazy, and kept a daily journal until one day I started an online Hip Club for people like me.  One stop shopping to learn about hip replacements.  No need to obsess and stay up all night like I did (unless you want to).

I have had two different hips replaced in two different ways, with two different materials and components.  I’m learning it’s not the years, it’s the miles – so I budget my hips.  I don’t ski, I don’t jog – but that’s just me.  I love to walk and I love to swim.  My left (metal) hip lets me know when I’ve done too much.  It has affected sex a bit, but barely noticeable if it’s done right.  I notice people as they walk by me, that maybe need or have had a hip replacement.  It’s some kind of alien connection to other bionics.  Finally, instead of saying “why me”, let’s get in the habit of saying “why not me”…and see what magic we can create for ourselves and for others in our orbit.

Fill out the form below and we will schedule a time for a no-cost 15 minute informational and supportive phone call regarding joint replacement do’s and don’ts.

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